Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

OMG I've been all around town

and not one person has been

able to do a scene hair cut

and for people who say stop

being poser STFU i'm not trying to

be scene i really want the hair

cut because its




if you can post diffrent of scene hair pics

that'd be greeat 2

k tnks bai

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

you need to cut it yourself, or get someone else to cut it for you, and also you need to thin it alot. just cut upwards into your hair, and dont match any of the lengths together. go to photobucket and type in scene hair, or look on myspace. get extensions. cut really short layers. its not hard.

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

I know alot of scene kids at my high school, they all cut their own hair; including me ;D

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

try photobucket

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

why don't you ask your friend to cut your hair like that scene cut

its not that hard bc the scene is just like not all perfect so its pretty easy if not just look for pictures and show your hairplace and ask them to make it look like that.

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?




Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

ok here are some!!!

i didn't no if you wanted long short or what color so i got a mixter of both hope i helped!!!

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

im scene

i cut my own hair

thats me

i recently dyed it

but im going back to auburn

but you can get it done just about anywhere

just bring a picture of what you want

all stylists are trained in the exact same waygood luck

and email me a photo if you want

cuz i kinda wanna see how it turns out

good luck

luh taylorr

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

cut it yourself, that what i do, or sometimes if its really grown out, ill get a friend to rehack the back layers, and if you mess up, tease it up and say it was on purpose

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

contrary to what most people have been answering, most of the "scene kids" and "hipsters" i know (and i know many) don't cut their own hair. they either go to a friend/relative who's experienced in the area, or secretly go to salons.

paul mitchell salons are always a good choice; they're expensive, but those stylists know what they're doing. if you don't have a picture, just go in and ask for a modified, or "fashion", mullet, with lots of layers at the crown and temple. if you do, then simply take it in and request for them to replicate it. of course, some of the hair styles you choose may not look good on you, and that's where their expertise comes in handy. meaning they'll modify the picture so that it complements your face shape/structure/etc.

i'll include the link to the paul mitchell salon finder below, in the sources section.

oh, and, if you take a picture, pretty much any salon (yes, even supercuts, although i really REALLY don't recommend them) can cut your hair pretty darn close to it. so if you don't want to pay up for really expensive service, be prepared to show several pictures from different angles to a lesser experienced hair dresser.

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

Trust me, a lot of scene people cut their own hair.

Most of them wouldn't go to a salon to do it.

Just get some thinning sheers as well, because a lot of them have thin hair. Make it really messy, with top layers choppy and short. Try adding highlights to the bangs. Or dying the top visible layer of your hair one color and the bottom under layer a different color.

Here are some of my favorites:

Don't know if you can see these photos, but here's a pic of 2 of my friends:

A picture of another friend:

Those last 2 aren't VERY scene, like the pictures from Photobucket. But they are really cute, though.

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

i think the best way to get a scene hair cut is doing it yourself its whats in and so sexy

Where to get a scene hair cut/ scene cuts?

Good question!

Scene Hair :

- I find this website is the best - it has hundreds of photos of scene hair, style tips and a list of things to tell your hairdresser (click on hairstyles down right side of website).

Good luck! :)

Jake xxx

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