Okay, you know the whole "scene hair" look? Where it's all layered and sticky uppy or whatever [Lol, Idk how to describe it]. Like all the scene queen's hair: Kiki Kannibal %26amp;%26amp; etc, do any of you know how to do it? I mean, my hair is cut like that but I can't get it to stick up and stay up, what do you use??? And in what sequence? I try teasing it, but it doesn't stay long. And if you don't know what scene hair is, or think you do but aren't sure, there are some good examples if you go to photobucket then type in scene hair or scene girl. Well, hopefully some of y'all can help me out.
SCENE hair??? HELP!?
just to make sure, you asking "how to tease hair and make it stay," right? oh well. that what I'm answering. Make sure your hair is straight and dry. not hot just regular. Then grab a comb or teasing pick and tease away. immediatly after, hairspray. repeat over and over. hairspray is a good thing when it comes to teasing. i prefer the garnier nutriesse smooth and sleek, super strong hold becuase it smells good and works. teasing is so much eaiser because of that.
tease, spray, tease, spray. rememebr to tease small sections of hair at a time.
down and out [teasing squence]
SCENE hair??? HELP!?
They probably use a really good gel and/or hairspray..?
Not sure..
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