Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kinda scene hair.?

So I'm changing my hair constantly, but now I want something that's kinda-sorta-scene. You know, the hair that your mom doesn't mind doing for you.

My hair goes a couple inches past my shoulders in the back, but about an inch above them in the front. I straighten my hair every day, so that isn't a problem.

Does anyone have good hair pictures?

And please, don't tell me to search photobucket. I've seen that answer a trillion and four times and I've gone through it already.

So help?

Kinda scene hair.?

For scene hair, make sure you have a side fringe, and have the bottom layer of your hair really long - longer than other lays. If you're getting it done at a salon you can find a picture from and search 'scene hair' and find a picture that you like and print it and show your hair stylist and they will get it done for you.

Scene hair consist of chompy layers.

You also need hair products like hair spray etc... and need to know how to tease your hair!

good luck.

Kinda scene hair.?

i love this style.

you just need some random layers cut in and then tease it then ad d loads of random scene clips


Kinda scene hair.?

I feel bad for throwing a random website at you, but it actually is great and will help you a lot :)

Kinda scene hair.?

here are some pics :-)

I hope they were useful ..merry chrismas!

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