Monday, July 27, 2009

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

I have a grownout scene haircut, and I am going to get it cut to a little below my chin. I style my hair about once a week, but I was wondering if there were any scene hairstyles that look good styled and unstyled, so that I don't ruin my hair everyday.

Pictures would be a great help! Thanks!

This is my hair (I'm also not going to change my haircolor):

And please don't say that my hair isn't scene. I know it isn't, but it was when I got it cut a long time ago. It has GROWN OUT. Sorry, there are a lot of people just giving me dumb answers.

Thanks in advance!

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

I've got a similar face shape to yours and I'm stuck for a style too! I'm thinking of going to a hairdresser and just asking them for advice - I've been looking through magazines etc but I have no idea how much upkeep each style has! That might be your easiest solution, just get someone who cuts hair everyday to help you out. Loving your hair colour by the way!

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

Get your own hair style.

Scene is overrated.

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

straighten it =] ... it will look more scene

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

if it's not styled it doenst look like to much of nothing just paling falt hair if your going to have or want scene hair your going to have to style it

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

Maybe you could go a little shorter.

What is a scene hair cut?

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

that'll be cool

just get chopped side bangs.

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

You're hair isnt that un-scene at the moment.

Just get it a cut a little shorter. I dont think you need to do anything to make it look good unstyled.

Scene Hair That Looks Good Styled and Unstyled?

scene's overrated but if you insist, have choppy bangs with some short layers on top. keep your length. just go surf through kiki kannibals myspace friends and take a picture to your hairdresser.

xo tg

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