So I want a "scene" like hairstyle, not too extreme (see picture) so I don't look odd but I was wondering if you had any tips on how to manage a hair like this:
I know the teasing can damage your hair, but I get hair treatments to...I don't know but it helps keep your hair healthy and stuff.
11 year old scene hair help?
dude your freaking eleven. you would look absolutely ridiculous. you would look like such a poser and all the reals scene kids would LAUGH.THEIR.HEADS.OFF at you
11 year old scene hair help?
The scene is dead, she looks stupid. Try something original, you'll stand out more.
11 year old scene hair help?
Umm teasing doesnt damage your hair??? But for scene hair you kinda have too tease. Just straighten your hair pretty good. Make sure yuor haircut is adjusted with top layers for teasing then put your bangs dramtically to the side. Remember to decorate :] Bows are really cute :]
11 year old scene hair help?
i agree with erikkkkkk
11 year old scene hair help?
Sweet Jesus, 11 year old scene?
And I thought 13 and 14 was sad.
11 year old scene hair help?
In my opinion these hairstyles are not cute it looks like these girls got attacked by a pair of scissors while they were sleeping but to each his own i guess but teasing your hair is damaging and your treatments wont really help a little but not really other than teasing the only way to get your hair to do these styles is to use a lot of product start with a rootbooster when you blow dry along with maybe a thikening spray also while blow drying then use a wax or a pomade to get your hair to have that poofed up chop job look and then lots and lots of hairspray but your best bet to get your hair to look like hers is to tease the hell out of it and douse it with hairspray
11 year old scene hair help?
no your 11 too young for taht hair!!
11 year old scene hair help?
Go for it. It would look awsome. I really want to do something like that but it doesn't fit my face :( for the back and top of the hair always use hair spray. Avoid gel!
11 year old scene hair help?
GO FOR IT! i wish my parents would let me do that. it would tottaly rock. and think of it this way hair can always grow back so dont worry if it doesnt look good!
11 year old scene hair help?
umm. yeah.
i want that hair too and im 12 on my moms account.
i say" GO FOR IT!" be your own person.
scene is awesome for whoever wants it.
there is fake but be who you are :)
im getting that cut too :)
im 11 and im going to get my hair cut in the 'scene' look. who cares what everybody else thinks!! i say go for it! its good to try different things! :)