Thursday, July 23, 2009

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

im getting my hair cut tomorrow and i want it done like emo/scene.

im going to get it dyed too but not sure what colour yet!

please leave any hints / tips for how i can get a good emo/scene look and pictures please ,

thank you for any time you spend on this question =]

Here is are a few links to what my hair looks like now :;...

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

first is first,

you need LAYERS.


and you need to learn how to make your hair volumised by teasing it.

are you going for more spiky scene or long scene?

i have short hair, so i spike it, make it volumised

(hairspray, straighteners and backcombing)

and put extensions in for length.

i suggest you keep the side fringe, and bleach it blonde with dyed black bits, or just black- then you can have differnent colour extensions which is what i do.

anymore questions on scene hair/makeup/clothing/piercings, be sure to ask me!

all the best!


Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

dark reddish brown dye, and ask for lots of layers.

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

emo kids/scene kids have horrific looking hair

Why would anyone want to copy it!?


Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

you should dye all of your hair black and get red tips by your bangs. my friend did that and it looks awesome. layers with that would be good too.

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

die it balck with red tips and red tips on bangs. give your hair more volume for the scene hair look.. so get lots of layers and tease your hair(backcomb) and style it all kinds of ways.

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

you'll look like a poser :

Emo/Scene Hair Help! URGENT!?

|Please don't do that.... just get it cut or styled... people look at Emo people any say, i guess they want attention... Emo is becoming more and more of a joke..... don't do this to yourself, it is a horrible idea....

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