Saturday, July 25, 2009

Scene hair :/?

Normally my hair is quiteee wavey, but i straighten it ALOT

so my life is slpit ends,

I bought extentions a few months back

and now i want the hair to match

My hair is auburn/browny

Help :](L)

Scene hair :/?

what color are the extentions?

and i can help you cause i have scene hair too i can help with how you want you hair to look like you just have to message me and i can help

Scene hair :/?

if you're looking for pictures of scene hair

is the place to go.

i don't really understand your question though. xF

Scene hair :/?

take the extentions out, come on!

get your hair a good trim %26amp; make it coppy with lots of layers.

then it it's not already, part it down one side and make bangs to cover one eye almost. do it yourself it ou want, makes it more choppy and that's scene style, doing it yourself. ears to shoulders is the length of range.

go dye it. more than one color %26amp; NOT your natural one.

trim your ends (or have them trimmed) to make sure they keep growing %26amp; never get splits...

oh yea, most scene kids don't reall care about how healthy their hair is, they just want it to look cool.

btw, scene is very hard thing to do.

you gotta be scene, act scene, think your the scenest and better and more hardcore. make yourself believe it.

that's really what scene is about.

like a mental prep did it with an emo

Scene hair :/?

make it really "poffy" on top /w shot layers and since you have extentions it would look kool! and dont worry about the color! have u seen "scene" ppl their hair doesnt match fuu!! haha look heres a pic see the color sont match! and the whole view of the hair should look like this /w ur extentions in and the "poffyness" on top

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