Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scene hair ^^ any good pics?

hmm i want scene hair, my hair colour is currently brown but id like cute scene hair :P it totaly goes with my attitude nd style i also think its rlly hot, ppl say id look really pretty with scene hair.. but i cant upload any pics on my laptop o_O my usb is being stupid -_- im not vien but i tihnk it will look nice aswell lool umm... o.O well lets see

i have

-redish brown eyes

-light brown hair naturaly highlighted (dye has never touched a hair on my head =/)

- im going to a sort of goldeny blond %26gt;.%26lt; ill dye it after tht though lol black maybe.. or black and blond

-my complection is white :P but not fair at the same time not dark

blah blah blah any pics or suggestions?

colour doesnt matter i can discuss tht with my hair stylist =D

and scene hair which has side sweep bangs ty!

Scene hair ^^ any good pics?

Scene Hair! :) Nice nice.

Maybe do it like that with a little colour otherwise complete jet black :P

Would you tie it with a ribbon? :)

Hope it helps!

Btw, here's help:

Scene hair ^^ any good pics?

i didnt read all of what you wrote jsut go to photho bucket and type in scene hair

Scene hair ^^ any good pics?

Hmm, your features sound like mine!

I love this one because you can either have the spikes up or down:

Scene hair ^^ any good pics?

don't get scene hair unless you're really scene because you'll

look like a huge poser

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