Thursday, July 23, 2009

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

ok well i want to get scene hair but my mom won't pay for me to get it cut (she thinks 30$ is too much to pay for a hair cut) but any ways i always cut my own hair but i dont know how to cut this style if someone can tell me or show me a tutorial about it that would help soooo much. thank you.

oh and i would want a scene cut like this:

so how would i cut this? thanks.


NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

Her hair is Razored... and I wouldn't try to do that yourself. Do yourself and your hair a favor and save up for a nice cut. Bring that picture to your stylist and I'm sure you will get MUCH BETTER results.

Good Luck

閳?br>NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

The best thing about scene hair is it doesnt matter how it looks.

Chop at it!

diagnol cuts are your friend!

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

I don't think you can mess that one up, it's styled so messily it won't matter. Plus a slip-up can be played off as a new trend.

lol and I'm sorry that was the ugliest scene girl I've ever seen. At least she's not a photoshop addict.

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

Weed whacker.

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

Uhm I got my hair cut like that and it only cost like, 15 bucks. Call other places and see how much it would cost you to cut ur hair. You have to have this razor thing to make ur hair like that. Only hair salons have those.

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

You would need someone else to help you,

Because this type of hair cut has alot of layers in places you can't see in the mirror.

( if you have 17 dollars, sears does hair cuts, and there are places wher you can get it for even cheaper. If you want a good result, and it to not look like you spun around and cut your ahir blindfolded, i suggets you save up some money and bring in the picture..)

Lots of layers at the top and especially the back,

Side bangs

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

That's like, razored hair.

Go to like, cheapy Best Cuts if all else fails.

They always mess up my hair though. I refuse to go.

Uh. Yeah, I would say use a straight up razor and

then to style, you will want to tease the back, and

use a ton of hairspray... Good luck :]!

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

i would try to tell you how to do it but that would be extreemly difficult to do, if you dont want to pay so much to get it done try finding a beauty school near you that dose work on the public, they all have to have a certain amount of traning to work on the public and then the students can talk to the teachers and then you will have a few people working on how to get your hair like that, i wouldent advise tryint that one at home though that is a tricky cut to try to do on yourself, so take the picture to a salon or find a beauty school, they are really cheap

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

Alot of scene kids cut their own hair =].

It shouldn't be too hard for you to achieve this look because there's not that much to it. Unlike most scene kids, her hair isn't choppy. She pretty much just has side bangs which you can cut by parting your hair on the side and snipping away! Go slowly though, you can always cut more but you can't stick it back on!

NEED HELP Scene Hair?!?!?

30 dollars wat??

i have kinda the same hair cut

or like other people will say the scene hair

n it cost like 7 dollars

well if u find a cheaper place

tell them u want the top layer to be short like up to ur eyes lenght(or if u want it short)

then tell her u want a lot of layers

n then ask her if she could "degrafilar"(i dnt know how to say it in spanish)

a bunch n especially u bottom layer

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