Hola! I am really into the scene style, especially the hair. As most are. It just fits my personality, the whole crazy, weird, yet cute thing.
So here's the thing. I would like to try a scene hair look, but I'm not sure what styles would look good on me. My face is I think oval shaped and my hair is naturally wavy. I am just curious as to what would look good.
here's my pic : http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a295/R...
Pics of said styles are appreciated. Thanks guys!
Scene hair for mio?
I hate scene but i suppose i will help you. Try These:
1. http://myspace-784.vo.llnwd.net/00466/48...
2. http://www.beauty-and-the-bath.com/image...
3. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c346/S...
Scene hair for mio?
What's up with the label's. Scene, prep, gothic. Sheesshh mix it up and be original =]
Scene hair for mio?
If you have someone else's style, then it's not scene.
Be original, mix it up. :)
Just have fun with it. Dye it crazy colors. Get crazy layers, uneven ends. Just stuff like that.
But I suggest you be yourself and get whatever haircut you want. If you want 0 layers and natural color, go for it. It's a TON easier! XD
Scene hair for mio?
i agree with the girl above me. im not a fan of the stereotypes. but if you want a new style talk to your hair stylist.
Scene hair for mio?
Ah! Do not try to be scene.
You can't just dress like a scene kid
and be one anyways. Just stick to
preppy stuff or something.
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