Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

when having scene hair, do you have extensions? or is it real hair. cause the hair for the bottom looks really flat and straight... and is it possible to get extensions and make it look like that?

i circled what im talking about on this picture (the pink)

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Its almost always extensions.

Never real hair.

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Im pretty sure those are extensions lol. Good luck. =]


Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Some of them do, like if you've ever heard of "hilary haywire" she wears extensions and also sells them on her website.

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

why would you want scene hair?

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Well if you get racoon stripes you'll be reported to kiki. She started racoon stripes and doesnt like anyone taking her style. By the way keep it original, be creative. Yes, clip on extensions are the trick or some people get there hair cut in layers. Choppy layers look very retro though.

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Yup, mostly it is extensions but sometimes it is real hair.

I know a girl who has her hair like that but it's real, she just had it thinned out loads for the bottom bit. =)

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

I friend of mine with this type of hair has extensions. I was looking at her hair and thinking it'd be possible to get this cut without extensions, but you'd have to have really long thick hair for it to come out well. She has short layered hair in the back, spikes it up at the crown, long bangs and then a long hair weave at the bottom. They left the bottom of her hair, at the neck longer anyway, so it'd coverup the weave.

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

they're usually extensions. ive seen 1 girl who actually had her own hair like that. i think its hot either way.

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

yea they do.... im getting extensions and its probably gonna look like that. but u can do it w/out extensions 2. well good luck!!!

Scene hair, do they use extensions?

Yes, they are extensions. Some use coon tail extensions, some use clip ins, which I wouldn't suggest. They tend to look more fake than they should. (:

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