Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scene Hair :D?

okie so Im asian and my hair look like the one on my avatar


only a bit shorter like on my shoulders

well scene hair look good on me?

and if no what kind of hair style would look good?

i have bangs...

thanks %26lt;3

Scene Hair :D?

idk what will look good on you cause i dont know what you look like but first YOU have to deside if you want it dyed cut or both

Scene Hair :D?

ummmm Well if u can get a picture I can answer it but I need 2 know wat u look like 1st.

Sorry hun

Scene Hair :D?

Scene hair looks good on most should post some pictures, though, to give people a better idea of what you look like.

Scene Hair :D?

yea scene hair will

but only a certain kind

heres a pic of what would be cute:


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