Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

my previous best friend got her hair cut and its just what i have been trying to get and she knows it. now i need a good scene hair style with photos at a good angle that a hairdresser can read. =/ hair past boobs please, i cant get it cut till my hair gets that long which isn't far because if i get it done now ill look like i copied her. AND i do envy it. so help help help =) me and her aren't to close but we don't hate each other. so im not doing this to be a b*tch but if i get it cut bad it'll look worse on my part.

thanks love :D

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

ahahhahaha she just shoved it in your face

damn get the same cut just dye it cool

and extensions if your not sporty or if you are clip in extensions

oh yaya and i forgot you may hav the same cut but it WILL look different on you hair type face you know

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

here is a whole album of pictures


Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

I guess I am not following...why can't you both have the same cut. Thousands fo women in this world have the same cut, style, color. What makes this a bad thing? My girlfriend and I are constantly copying what the other one does.

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

Try this:


Find some other photos on photobucket.

Something choppy at top and razored thin down at bottom.

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

omg i love scene its sooo cute, it would prlly look stupid on me but i love it if it fits ur personallity,




Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

I bet you guys are 12 year old girls trying to be cool.

Scene girls only. hair issue w/ friend!?

Look at the sub albums-




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