you know the haircut where it has like two long pieces and the rest is kind of like short and all choppy. like this pic:
well i was just wondering what u thought of it. does it look good or do u think its ugly. and what hair color would look good with it?
Any opinions on scene hair?
I have something similar.
Mullet-ish and I LOVE IT!
All hair color looks good with it though.
%26amp;%26amp; I don't think you should worry about other people's opinions on this hair, just as long as YOU like it.
Any opinions on scene hair?
its good and i like the way it is =)
Any opinions on scene hair?
Looks like a fob. In my school, that means the new immigrants from China who speak Engrish and have these weird, awkward hairstyles.
Any opinions on scene hair?
Well that kind of scene hair, in my humble opinion, is ugly. The pieces are way too long, she looks disproportionate because of it, like she's got a really huge back. Plus it looks a wee bit too close to a mullet. If she doesn't change her haircut in the next ten years, highschool kids on mullet hunts will laugh at her and take photos to show to their friends...
Any opinions on scene hair?
you must have a certain face structure. to make it work.
best color for that would be black. and maybe some blond streaks. this isint my favorite unfortunatly but hey people have their styles i aint judin b/c
i love scene hair i got my haircut today with thinned out layers at the botten and bangs in the front.
nothing to dramatic i have to look professional for work lol
plus im preg so i dont want to look like a kid. even tho im 17.
b/c ive notived at my wokr ppl with that kind of hair arent taken seriosuly and i hate it. im nervous to go to work tomorrow just b/c of my new haircut
Any opinions on scene hair?
EWWWWWWW! i hate those yuk!
Any opinions on scene hair?
looks like ice hair or meth head
Any opinions on scene hair?
that is the ugliest hair cut ever. its like the new mullet. dont do it!!
seriously when i see that hair cut, i think mullet.....its hideous.
ina few yrs thats going to be what big poofy permed hair and hair sprayed bangs are to the 80's
Any opinions on scene hair?
i personally don't like it. its funny looking...and looks like a mullet
Any opinions on scene hair?
I used to have the longest prettiest hair, and I saw a picutre just like this an adored it.
I got my hair cut liek this.
I loved it for a month.
Then you kinda just get over it..
You ALWAYS have to make sure it's perfectly straightened
it's just a lot of work.
it looks terrible if you don't product, straighten, everything every day.
and pretty soon you'll wish you never cut it.
I ended up spending 100$ on extensions.
Don't do it unless your sure you want this.
Plus, mine's grown out a lot, but they grow out really funny.
they're called fashion mullets.
sorry if this was rude at all or anything, I just don't want you to do anything you regret!
Good luck%26lt;33333
Any opinions on scene hair?
well i like it. go for ittttt
Any opinions on scene hair?
Personally, i think its absolutly perfect, there is little need for styling and most of the time you can just wake up and its perfect. I think that Coon-tails would look cute with it, and sometimes just the natural hair color you have looks amazing too.
Any opinions on scene hair?
Trash to the e.
Any opinions on scene hair?
i love that hair!
cuz thats how mine is.
Any opinions on scene hair?
I think the hairs alrite...
Like the pieces of hair on the front weren't as long.
It'll look better shorter/medium length.
Any opinions on scene hair?
yellow, and blue
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